Mapping out your ecommerce customer journey

Navigate how you engage with your customers at every step, from first impressions to lasting relationships.

Own your growth at every step.

The ecommerce customer journey

There are five stages in the ecommerce customer journey:

  1. Awareness
  2. Acquisition
  3. Conversion
  4. Fulfillment
  5. Loyalty


In the first stage of the customer journey, you’re introducing your brand to new people. It’s your chance to make a positive, memorable first (and second, and third…) impression.

SEO for ecommerce

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the highest performing channels for ecommerce businesses. So how can you maximize your organic visibility and traffic?

7 brand storytelling examples

Story-led marketing can help you connect with a wider audience. Learn about storytelling techniques you can use to engage with your customers.

Advertising for ecommerce

Whether you’re launching an ecommerce business or managing a store with millions in revenue, learn how you can use advertising channels to increase awareness.


Stage two of the customer journey: You’re building trust in your brand, people are showing interest, and now it’s time to get their contact details to make it official.

Winning ecommerce customer acquisition strategies

Customer acquisition is essential for ecommerce and online businesses to grow. Learn key strategies to attract new customers.

Signup form tips and best practices

Learn how to increase the completion rates of your forms, plus get new ideas on additional forms to test.

How to create an email list from the ground up

Discover how to build a marketing list from scratch with key strategies that will help you convert website visitors to subscribers.


Stage three is exciting. It’s the moment in the customer journey when someone hands their faith (and money) over to your brand.

3 ways to increase your return on ad spend (ROAS)

Find out how you can take three marketing basics and make them even more effective so that every cent you put towards paid advertising pays off.

How to optimize your product pages

Explore nine tips and techniques to create the perfect product page that converts (virtual) window shoppers into customers.

Top 10 automated email examples

Take a tour through the customer journey and discover the top 10 email automations you can consider.


During stage four, customers are awaiting their new product. By clearly communicating and following through on promises, you can turn waiting into eager anticipation.

7 tips for better shipping confirmation emails

Shipping confirmation emails get an impressive open rate. See how you can use them to give your customers a great experience.

6 order confirmation tips (plus examples)

See examples from inspiring brands to help you create effective order confirmation emails and boost customer retention.

Memorable unboxing experiences

Want to make the moment a customer opens your product more exciting? Take these seven ideas and make them your own.


The final stage (and ultimate goal of a delightful customer journey) is turning a one-time buyer into a loyal brand advocate. These are the people who stick around — and talk you up to others.

3 ways to use VIP rewards programs to delight your customers

Loyalty and VIP rewards programs influence repeat purchases, retention, and brand affinity among your best customers.

How to create a stellar loyalty program

Ecommerce is constantly changing, but customer loyalty can help your brand thrive throughout all kinds of changes.

Keep customers coming back with subscriptions

Boost your customer loyalty that uses these tips from subscription experts at ReCharge.

Want more ecommerce tips and insights?

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