Data-backed steps to grow faster: An analysis of 143K ecommerce brands

Power up your revenue
with Klaviyo

For leading brands, Klaviyo drives over 50% of their ecommerce revenue. Learn how to hit this revenue milestone, and grow far beyond it.

Best practices to grow your audience

The fastest growing brands on Klaviyo have at least 2 forms live and a form conversion rate of 3.6%. That’s because growing your audience is the fastest way to grow your revenue. Here are top tactics to implement today.

Learn how to automate more revenue with flows

Automated flows generate up to 30x more revenue per recipient than campaigns because they are so timely and targeted. Here's how to get more out of yours.

Consistently increase sales with strategic campaigns

Top performing brands on Klaviyo send an average of 8 campaigns per month, including at least 1 dedicated SMS campaign. Here’s how to ramp your campaign calendar.

Tactical tips to build segments & send more relevant messages

The top performing 10% of emails and SMS messages convert 5x more, and drive 8x more revenue per recipient than the average. The main difference? Segmentation. Here’s how to design ultra-relevant messages.

Improved conversion begins with optimization

Get more revenue out of every send by implementing an A/B testing strategy that iteratively improves your click rates and conversion rates. Small improvements with every send can equal thousands in additional revenue over time.

More best practices to help you grow even faster

From actionable best practices to masterclasses, Klaviyo is here to guide you to success. Here's a few next steps to learn, implement and grow more, and faster.