Make every message count: 11 Black Friday/Cyber Monday email examples for 2024

Profile photo of author Sophia Lee
Sophia Lee
12 min read
Email marketing
July 8, 2024
In lighter capital letters on a salmon background, copy stretching over the right side of the image reads, "real BFCM email campaigns: examples + results." The left side of the image features a man holding a laptop in a conference room, laughing.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday is one of the busiest times for people’s inboxes.

As a marketer at an ecommerce brand, you already know that.

But if you’re nervous about “adding to the noise,” the solution isn’t to limit your marketing channels. It’s to make sure that every message you send counts.

At Klaviyo, we’ve seen firsthand the power of an integrated, multi-channel approach with companies like Otherland, Made In, and Marine Layer—all ecommerce brands that drove a significant boost in revenue by tapping into both SMS and email marketing during BFCM.

The effectiveness of this approach is likely why 67% of ecommerce companies say an omnichannel approach is important to them.

Get the most out of the messages you send—whether that’s by coming up with creative BFCM offers or crafting eye-catching subject lines.

To inspire ideas, we’ll use this post to focus on one critical piece of the omnichannel puzzle: email marketing.

Check out these Black Friday/Cyber Monday email examples from ecommerce brands to get your creative wheels turning:

1. The Couture Club rewards loyal customers with a password-protected discount

This email from The Couture Club offers the brand’s most loyal customers early access to a BFCM discount—a natural extension of The Couture Club loyalty program, which frequently incentivizes people to shop their clothing line via exclusive experiences.

Image shows a Black Friday email example from The Couture Club, featuring a Black Friday graphic design and the headline, “The early access lock off.” The email contains a unique password for the recipient to unlock their early access, as well as a countdown clock.
Source: Klaviyo Couture Club case study

Why we love it: This time-bound early access offer is powerful. It makes loyal customers feel appreciated, creates urgency around shopping, and drives awareness about the loyalty program. No surprise that this tactic ultimately led to a 325% increase in email revenue for The Couture Club’s BFCM season.

BFCM email marketing tip: This email campaign also presents the perfect opportunity to integrate with an SMS marketing plan—specifically by using AI to automatically segment texts based on whether or not someone is a loyalty program member.

2. Little Beast gets a jump on sales with a pre-BFCM “get ready” email

This email from pet-focused lifestyle brand Little Beast gives subscribers a heads-up about when their BFCM sale goes live. This not only potentially saves customers money, but also gets people excited to load up their carts in preparation for the 25% off discount.

Image shows a plain text Black Friday email example from Little Beast, addressing the recipient by name and thanking them for being part of the brand’s community. The letter-style email shares that the BFCM promo sale begins the following day, “so if you’re reading this on 11/13/22, we want to warn you not to buy anything from us today to avoid paying full price!” The email is signed by Little Beast team members.
Source: personal inbox

Why we love it: This email is working double-time, pulling the levers for both customer acquisition and customer retention. A 25% discount is a fantastic way to bring in first-time purchasers, and the message inspires brand loyalty in customers who will appreciate the transparency.

BFCM email marketing tip: Always make sure to guarantee the best prices with this type of email tactic. There’s nothing more frustrating than making a ton of purchases on Black Friday at a 25% discount, only to discover that Cyber Monday offers a 30% discount.

3. Onsen offers free worldwide shipping

In this email from Onsen, the brand offers free US and international shipping around their Black Friday sale, creating a double incentive for customers worldwide to shop for bath towels and bathroom essentials.

Why we love it: If you’re a global brand, this type of offer is a fantastic way to appeal to customers from around the world and tap into additional revenue.

BFCM email marketing tip: Be crystal clear about shipping times, as well as potential BFCM shipping delays.

4. Art of Play rolls out a limited-time mystery collection

In this BFCM promotion email, home goods company Art of Play offers a limited-time edition deck of mystery collection cards—an offer that will only be around for 24 hours for customers to take advantage of.

Why we love it: By offering an exclusive, time-bound deal, this email tactic is sure to drive even more sales—while also delighting customers who are avid card collectors.

BFCM email marketing tip: Using language like “while supplies last” and “today only” intensifies the urgency for subscribers. It’s especially smart when you don’t have a ton of product in stock. Just don’t overdo it—consumers are smart, and they’ll be able to tell when the sense of urgency is manufactured purely for sales.

5. Splash Wines reveals their wallet-friendly BFCM deal

Even though Splash Wines offers competitively priced wine all year, the brand recognizes that BFCM is special to their customers. That’s why they coordinate with partners and wineries to offer the absolute best price of the year during this season: a $4.99/bottle promotion.

Image shows a Black Friday email example from Splash Wines, with the headline “Black Friday starts now” written in neon sign-like font on a black background above a product shot of various bottles of wine lined up. The email copy promises 18 bottles for only $89.82, with free shipping.
Source: Splash Wines

Why we love it: A promotion like this demonstrates that the brand is willing to go above and beyond for their customers.

BFCM email marketing tip: This type of deal not only is a great way to bring in new purchasers, but also instills loyalty in existing customers, who will appreciate feeling extra special during BFCM season. This holiday season, think about creative ways to make your BFCM email marketing pull double-duty for both your acquisition and retention efforts.

6. Fussy launches a sustainability-focused BFCM email campaign

Deodorant brand Fussy created their own event around BFCM: Green Week, which comes with discounts for customers and an opportunity to learn more about the brand’s sustainability efforts.

Why we love it: Fussy gives customers the discount they expect, while staying true to their values around sustainability.

BFCM email marketing tip: BFCM is often all about sales—but it doesn’t have to be. Fussy’s email creates an educational touchpoint for people who are curious to learn more about the brand’s other environmentally-focused efforts—helping them feel good about their purchase as well.

7. Beyond Yoga drops exclusive daily deals for loyal customers

Beyond Yoga is known for their monthly product launches. For BFCM, the team amped up their cadence by promoting daily drops—all featuring new products—throughout the entire week.

Image shows a Black Friday email example from Beyond Yoga, promising 30% off sitewide and 6 days of exclusive product drops. The email features the product drop for Day 4 along with a photo of a model wearing the item and a “shop now” CTA button.
Source: Beyond Yoga

Why we love it: By combining a generous discount with a daily product launch, Beyond Yoga engages subscribers and customers for the duration of BFCM, not just the first and last days. This approach was so successful that it helped contribute to a 274% increase in Beyond Yoga’s campaign revenue from October to November.

BFCM email marketing tip: Try spacing out your promos and product drops to give customers something to look forward to for longer than the weekend.

8. BAGGU opens up their Cyber Monday deal to all

Rather than offering a discount code for shoppers to use on Cyber Monday, BAGGU automatically applies it to the entire store—guaranteeing that all of their bags can be purchased at a reduced price.

Why we love it: We appreciate the accessible nature of this discount—especially since it’s applied both online and in person.

BFCM email marketing tip: A sitewide discount creates a low mental lift for customers, ensures that nobody is missing out on a good deal, and is likely to drive additional revenue for your store on Cyber Monday.

9. Baboon To The Moon goes minimal with their BFCM email

Adventure brand Baboon To The Moon takes a slightly different approach to Black Friday by using a minimalist, short email template to remind people of the discount—while also linking out to other unrelated content.

Image shows a plain text Black Friday email example from Baboon to the Moon, addressing the recipient as “friend” and acknowledging that their inbox is probably overflowing with Black Friday deals. The email also shares links to the brand’s BFCM sale, a non-sales video, and a “silent room” to escape the noise.
Source: personal inbox

Why we love it: Simple is sometimes best, and Baboon To The Moon leans into this approach in a way that feels authentic.

BFCM email marketing tip: Notice how this email wastes no time acknowledging that customers’ inboxes are likely flooded with BFCM emails. A little self-awareness can go a long way in gaining the trust of your subscribers.

10. Baboon To The Moon shares a convenient holiday gift guide

Yes, we’re including another BFCM email example from Baboon To The Moon—their emails are just that good. This one offers a holiday gift guide for items under $50, as well as a link to purchase digital gift cards—creating a seamless purchasing experience for customers.

Image shows another Black Friday email example from Baboon to the Moon, offering a holiday gift guide for under $50 with product shots of each item and CTAs for the gift guide and a digital gift card. The email ends with a section on holiday shipping deadlines.
Source: Klaviyo

Why we love it: Again, Baboon To The Moon keeps things simple. Offering a price-specific (and price-sensitive) gift guide is a great way to address the potential overwhelm customers might be feeling with all the different options to choose from.

BFCM email marketing tip: Make life easy for your customers by linking directly to your digital gift cards—another great gift option for a loved one.

11. Peak Design goes wacky with their Black Friday promo email

This might win the award for the silliest Black Friday email. Peak Design goes all out in their campaign, teasing a trailer for a 17-minute action film they created specifically for this season. Don’t worry, they also include a 30% discount.

Image shows a Black Friday email example from Peak Design, headlined “the deals are coming” with a CTA button that reads, “watch trailer.” The bottom of the email promises, “soon you’ll get up to 30% off every dang thing we make.”
Source: ReallyGoodEmails

Why we love it: Weirdness, when done well, creates intrigue that drives engagement—and what could be more intriguing than an action film about a superhero named Bird Legs?

BFCM email marketing tip: Lean in to your brand identity, here. What makes this work is that, while totally bizarre, the campaign is still on brand for Peak Design, which sells travel bags and camera gear.

Put your learnings from these BFCM examples into practice in 2024

By drawing inspiration from other creative ecommerce brands and crafting an integrated, omnichannel marketing strategy, you can find ways to stand out during even the busiest BFCM. Use the email examples and tips from this post to spark ideas and make 2024 your best BFCM season yet.

Whether you’re a beauty brand looking to send more personalized communications to your customers or a skincare brand trying to optimize your BFCM messaging, Klaviyo can help you take your digital relationships to the next level.

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Sophia Lee
Sophia Lee
Sophia is a writing coach for founders and a freelance writer for tech startups across all stages and various industries—from HR to ecommerce to healthcare. Prior to starting her own business, she was a writer at First Round Capital and worked as a marketer at a Series C startup.

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