In digital marketing, a unique click is a metric that shows how many subscribers have clicked a link in your SMS message or email. It helps you gauge the effectiveness of your calls to action (CTAs) and understand how many unique subscribers have engaged with your content.
Unlike total clicks, which count every time a link is clicked, unique clicks represent the number of distinct subscribers who have interacted with your content. For example, if a single subscriber clicks on your link 3 times, it will be counted as one unique click and 3 total clicks.
How to increase your average unique click rate
- Personalize your messages: Instead of sending generic messages to all your subscribers, use customer data to tailor your messages to specific segments. Use A/B testing to see what content works best, and make sure your messages reflect your brand’s personality and speak to your customers in a friendly tone.
- Keep it simple: Don’t overwhelm your subscribers with too many CTAs per email or SMS. Stick to up to 3 CTAs per message to make sure your audience understands the desired outcome and is more likely to take action.
- Encourage cross-platform engagement: Remind your audience of your social media presence to provide additional opportunities for interaction and brand awareness. This can drive traffic to your other marketing channels and increase overall engagement.
- Optimize loading speeds: Messages, especially emails with high-end graphics, can sometimes have slow loading times. This means that your subscribers could have trouble seeing and clicking on links within your message. Make sure your messages are optimized for loading on different devices.
How to track your unique click rate
- Choose a web analytics tool: Use a web analytics tool like Google Analytics 4 to calculate your unique click rate. With it, you can get insights into how many unique readers have clicked on your link and how many clicks your links have in total.
- Calculate the unique click rate: Once you have the total number of unique clicks on a link, divide it by the amount of email or SMS subscribers you have. Multiply this number by 100 to get your unique click rate. Depending on your industry, a unique click rate of 2.5–5% may be good, while a lower rate may indicate that not enough subscribers are engaging with your marketing content.
A marketing automation platform like Klaviyo automatically tracks unique click rates, providing you with valuable insights into your initiative’s performance. Use Klaviyo to segment your audience, create compelling content, and optimize your CTAs to drive customer engagement.
Sign up for Klaviyo today.