Dive into your email deliverability

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3 min read
March 8, 2023

You need access to your most important data to make informed decisions, especially when it comes to your email deliverability

Deliverability refers to your email landing in the inbox like you intended, or being placed in the spam folder where it may never been seen by your subscriber. There are many different factors that impact this like who you’re sending to, for example. If you find yourself in a poor deliverability hole, there are things you can do to dig yourself out – but how do you know if you’re experiencing issues to begin with? 

The new campaign deliverability tab is designed to show you key deliverability metrics, indicates if these metrics are healthy, and helps you easily break your data down so you can identify the best next steps. 

Deeper insights into campaign performance

Seeing a campaign’s overall deliverability in one place gives you better visibility into its’ performance, not to mention saves you valuable time in your day. The new Deliverability tab shows you a campaign’s open rate, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes and spam complaints, which are good indicators that signal if your campaign had deliverability issues. Klaviyo shows you if each key metric is healthy, has room for improvement, or needs your attention so you can easily see where to focus on next. 

See key deliverability metrics in one place.

You’ll also see a series of helpful charts that break down your deliverability data even more. Say you notice that the open rate from your last newsletter had a “room for improvement” banner at the top of the Deliverability tab. Before you can figure out a path forward, it would be helpful if you could see if this issue was happening across all inboxes, or if it was occurring with only a few. 

The performance by email domain chart is designed to help you troubleshoot these issues, showing you open and click rates by email domain (i.e. Gmail, Outlook, etc). With this chart, you quickly see that people with an Aol email address had lower open rates so you make a note to try and re-engage people with that email domain in the future. 

Easily see a chart of open and click rates by email domain.

If you need to go one step further, you can see a breakdown of open and click data by device or country as well. 

View charts that show email performance by country and device to go one step deeper.

In-depth campaign deliverability insights in one place

We want to make it easier to dive deeper into your email deliverability, so you can save yourself time and quickly identify changes to make for your next campaign. This way, you can reach more subscribers and drive more purchases. 

Click into your latest campaign and choose the Deliverability tab to break down email performance today. And if you’re looking to improve your deliverability expertise, check out the Klaviyo Academy.

Shoshana Antunes
Senior product marketing manager
Shoshana Antunes is a senior product marketing manager at Klaviyo, focused on the platform’s email and review products. She is passionate about supporting SMBs and believes they are the heartbeat of communities, and offer the ability to create generational wealth for business owners and their families. She’s spent the last 6 years in tech and 8 years in marketing working to improve experiences and processes for small businesses. Outside of work, she often has her head in a book, working toward her goal of reading 30 books in 2024. She also (mostly) enjoys doing DIY projects for her fixer upper, though she says she isn’t particularly handy. Shoshana has her MBA from Boston University.

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