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The power of segmentation to drive revenue

In this action-packed and example-filled deck, you’ll find dozens of tips for smarter, scalable personalization via segmentation that you can implement and test right now.

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Consumers want more personalization. Segmentation is the key to making it scalable:

Personalization can be a scary word, especially the bigger your company gets. But you don’t have to create individualized 1:1 communication for every single prospect or customer that go in your email or SMS list. Strategic use of segmentation and dynamic blocks in Klaviyo will make messages appear 1:1 to the reader, without the manual labor of making that a reality on the backend.

In our power of segmentation guide, you’ll learn how to:

  • Segment strategically––segmentation is personalization, after all
  • Leverage automations + segmentation to scale (and not burn out)
  • Leverage segmentation to understand the impact of iOS15.
  • Benchmark yourself against others in your industry (and eventually, against your best performing campaigns)

Less stalking, more talking. Segmentation is how you scale.

Klaviyo book example of The power of segmentation to drive revenue