Direct integration

Open source API for direct integration with your website on any platform for marketing automation

Automate digital marketing workflows by integrating your website with Klaviyo
Using our customisable open source api and an advanced data pipeline you will be able to connect your webstore and most tech and data stacks on Klaviyo, fast. We are ecommerce platform agnostic so you can integrate databases, AI softwares, SaaS apps, APIs and more.

NoSQL architecture

Our state-of-the-art NoSQL architecture has flexible limits on data volume, data fields and age of data Klaviyo can ingest.

No data pre-configuration

Start passing data, visualising, and using it instantly. There’s no need to pre-define your data schema.

Limitless data opportunities

Use any combination of data including behavioural, profile, location, predictions, and more to create the best marketing experiences.

Codeless signup forms

Klaviyo’s signup forms are supported simply by installing the Javascript snippet.

Simple, powerful APIs

An elegantly simple data model with APIs that are beloved by developers.

5-minute Javascript setup

Drop Klaviyo’s Javascript snippet on your site and instantly begin capturing customer browsing behaviour.

Personalised recommendations

Easy-to-use, zero-setup product recommendations based on individual customer purchase history.

Customer-level predictions

Klaviyo automatically predicts lifetime value, churn risk, and more for every customer.

Easy data backfills

Quick and convenient options for backfilling customer profile data or historical events, including CSV uploads.

Unlock your growth with the power of Klaviyo

You’ve already built an internal commerce platform tailored to your business’ specific needs. Why settle for a marketing platform that’s not as capable, intelligent, or flexible as your own creation? We built the most powerful integration-friendly platform possible so you don’t need to compromise on speed or functionality. And, it takes just minutes to set up.

Truly personalised automations

Trigger Flows based on dates, events, list membership, or segment membership and use conditional splits, filters, A/B tests, and more to target, optimise and grow.

Richer segmentation

Define segments without limitations. Use any combination of events, profile properties, location, predicted values, and more — over any time range.

Cutting-edge data science

Automatically-generated predictions for lifetime value, churn risk, gender, optimal send time, and out of the box personalised product recommendations.

Full lifecycle engagement

Deliver targeted, branded forms to build your marketing list. Then, engage customers through multiple channels and use predictions to anticipate churn or target high-value customers.

One-click integrations

Over 350 pre-built, one-click integrations plus an open API to ensure that you can easily get your business’s data into Klaviyo without hassle.

Rapid setup

Takes minutes — not hours, days or weeks to integrate Klaviyo. Automatically syncing all historical data and all future data for stronger marketing communications.

A businessman looks at a notebook while working at his laptop
Klaviyo for developers